It's A Wild World.

By awildworld


My old neighbor from the street I grew up on passed away recently. He was my only source of baseball conversation (mostly me arguing why the Red Sox are better than the Yanks and him arguing otherwise).
The last time I went home to visit I went to see his widow who is also just an amazing person in herself. These people were the closest things to a set of Grandparents I had (excluding my own grandmothers).
We sat and talked in the kitchen for a little while until she leaned to me and said, "I know you like the Red Sox, right?" I looked at her and said, "Is that a question?" So she lifted her old arthritic finger and motioned me to follow her to the living room. Right then I knew what she was going to do...and I immediately started to tear up. She picked up Rich's old Ted Williams statue and looked at me and said, "He would want you to have this.." So I took it and of course, started to cry and hugged her.

I will always cherish my Ted Williams figure.

Side note: He had to have known that I was going to end up with Ted because Rich was a Yankee's fan and I always gave him crap for having a Williams' statue...

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