Displacement activities

By Detritus

No contest really.

I noticed yesterday that today would be my 200th Blip. I considered doing a creative shot, thought about the numbers, but was also tempted with a journal of the day, the original reason I joined Blip.

So, what have I done today? I got up, lounged about with girl, watched the second Nanny McPhee film (if you have to do children's films, these are way above average), put up some shelves in the hallway to house our increasingly overflowing book collection, and cooked a couple of meals. She came home from work, and we took Lil to the woods.

Now, girl is in the bath, having left Battle of the Planets playing on TV (5 year old girls don't get the concept that things can be turned off) and Lil is watching it, hence the alert pose. Never expected to have a sci-fi-anime addicted hound.

I blip Lil because she is usually by my side (or under my feet or on my lap), and whilst the other things I've done today could be represented by a picture (and indeed I took some), Lil was always there.

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