Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible

One word, six letters.

Someone must get this....please!!!

Mrs W. thought I had completely lost my marbles. She didn't get it!!!

She has been reading the programme all evening!

I have been squeezing into an old wetsuit and stumbling around blindly in the kitchen wearing a welding mask. It's not easy you know! It's impossible to see a thing with the mask down - it's old and slams down without warning at random times.

In my excitement at potentially creating an exquisitely enigmatic masterpiece, and squeezing into skin tight rubber (albeit a little corroded having been hanging in the shed for five years), I have stubbed my toe four times, knocked the camera over, photographed a blank wall, an empty chair, several headless SP's and countless catastrophic poses. Skin tight rubber is not flattering!

After all this - she has been staring at it all evening and still didn't get it.

Somebody - anybody - please or is it the men in white coats for me.

PS - I originally posted this with an error in the title - much to my embarrassment. So sorry for the confusion to those who have already viewed it. If it's any consolation I think you're either going to get it or you ain't.

Many thanks to snappinjez and edisteve for their comments which got deleted when I edited the entry to hide my inability to spell.

Someone put me out of my agony.

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