A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Keep calm and drink tea!

I had an appointment at the beauticians this morning and have come away with the most amazing toes ready for the summer - well today anyway! Whilst I was there my daughter Grace did my ironing. so time for a treat.

We went to this 'vintage' 1920's style cafe in Shipley that I had heard of but never got around to visiting. The place is fascinating with lots of old style furnishings and 'vintage' items in use and for sale. The waitresses are dressed appropriately too and very friendly.

We had an excellent lunch and finished with iced coffee and iced mint tea to celebrate the brief return of summer.

Brilliant place and well the visit for the food and the ambiance.

(My daughter is wearing one of the hats left on the back of the chairs at each table - they also have dresses hanging up around the place too which you can borrow for the cost of a photograph of you wearing it!)

We went home to sit in the garden - one of the few times this 'summer' so far.

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