just allan

By allan

Hailes Stones

Hailes Castle, East Lothian. Continuing my "riding to work" series, here's a lovely little castle by the Tyne which is a not-too-long detour on the way to Haddington. Whilst most castles are in great defensive positions, on cliffs or high points with a broad view all round, Hailes is in a valley with nothing going for it apart from being peaceful and beautiful. It's a nice place for a family home, basically. A cuddly little castle, go visit - it's free!

I won't bang on about today, suffice to say I broke another spoke whwn I left home and fixed it with one I just happened to have (several mm too long, shock, horror). Before that my laptop was locked out by my fat fingers on the boot-up password then after the lengthy reset procedures via telephone support, I just stopped short of locking out the login screen as well. So, I had to go to work to get on the network and sort everything out. After several hours on the phone with lots of people, I realised my iPhone is bust. On the way home... nothing bad happened at all and I'm just fine after 80 miles so far this week and a long hot bath :)

Aiming for an early start and more miles tomorrow. We'll see how I get on.

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