
By Jee

Birthday boy!

Today was Barneys birthday and here he is taking a snooze... on my bed! But seeing as it's his birthday I guess i'll let him off. Bought him a couple of new toys, a monkey (which he's already managed to make a hole in!) and a bone and also gave him some puppy milk after tea which he thanked me for with a big burp! He's 2 today! getting such a big boy now, and I love him so much- had him since he was a puppy.
Sorry for the quick blip, been a tiring day. Had exam today, went okay could have been better could have been worse and me and a few friends went to the new costa coffee that opened in town which my mum paid for to say welldone for working hard at my exams :) a nice refreshing mango and passionfruit frescto for me!! Just had to quickly write a descriptive piece on the poem Futility by Wilfred Owen. I don't tend to like poems but this isn't too bad. I wrote a whole page and while I was writing it I thought it sounded quite good... and then I read through it. I would go over it but I have such little time and I need to try and sleep! May try some meditaion at the weekend to help chill me and let me sleep :)
I chose this picture 'cause it really sums Barney up! Lazy Lazy Lazy, always curling up on my bed! And I liked it because i think it has a nice focus on his paw :) Anyway off to bed for me, Night fellow blippers!

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