Paul's Imagination.

By paulransom


I'm trying my hardest to grow some herbs given to me by Jane, but I don't think I'm best suited for growing things... I might just be impatient, but they're taking ages to grow


A day of two halves. Getting up at 2pm was again an epic fail... Attempted to work in the library... but failed, whilst steadily getting more moody. Then had a delicious stir-fry, followed by a nice koofi, some good ol' guitar hero, and a brilliant few hours down the Stan with trev.

My days regularly seem to be split into halves... hmm!

I am now being educated in what wine I should drink Friday night for the Glitter Party. It's nice chatting to new people, it's probably the only thing I like about facebook... mindless chatter to get to know someone a little bit better.

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