Lifes Rich Tapestry

By itsallaboutme

Little Bird

Never had time to wander to day, so no blips until a few yards from home when I found across this dazed little bird. It was like a nature reserve in the middle of suburbia, three cats and more blackbirds that was ever found in a pie. Its usually all quiet on the south western front when I'm on my way home.

I have a feeling, he was really out of sorts, dazed and naive. They usuaually fly away when you even turn the lens in their direction, but not this little guy. He seemed to have problems trying to fly and he was looking for some shelter when I took this picture.

The larger birds were either trying to tell him there were a few cats on the prowl or they were trying to locate him haven fallen or been pushed out the nest. He on the otherhand was exploring his unfamiliar oblivious to the possible dangers around him!

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