
19months 26days

This isnt a posed photo, it wasnt staged. Katie wanted to walk after toddlers, so we did. She wanted to look at the pretties, so we did. She then sat down in them. So I blipped.

Katie slept much better last night - woke once at 3am, but back in her bed until 6.30. And woke up so much brighter for it. We went to Montessori this morning. She was being every bit the montessori toddler this morning! She spent ages doing the float/sink activity. She was fascinated how the pebbles and shells bashed the bottom of the tank, and loved poking the sticks as they floated on the top. She then went to the water painting, but chose instead to pour the water in and out of the different sized pots. Over and over!

After Montessori, instead of getting straight in the car, we walked out along the country lane. There was beautiful fields of wheat/other random growing stuff together with poppies, big daisies, thistles, allsorts. She had a wonderful time with the flowers, picking several poppies. And Mummy had a lovely time taking my own photo as well as Katie's blip.

She fell asleep on the way home, but woke up when I discovered that I couldnt get in our inner front door and had to put her on the floor to sort it out. She ate a bit of dinner but was then ready to go back to bed! When she woke we went out for a walk to get a parcel and she ate 3 satsumas as we went. One lady said "are you eating fruit AGAIN?!" to her, turning her nose up too (Katie had an apple earlier this week when we saw her). I couldnt believe someone had a problem with that!! We were very excited though, because the parcel was her costume for a disney party next week - very exciting indeed!

and just to be totally random - do you know what I learnt today?? When its born, the baby kangaroo is only 1-2cm big. It's so fragile the mother cant even touch it and it has to crawl up the fur to the pouch! (and apparently its not at that point a joey, it's a joey a bit later on!)

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