
By mattleach

Fathers Day

Had a great day today. It started with a lie in to cure last nights drinking session which was nice.

William then woke me up with my fathers day present and card, Beyond Portraiture: Creative People Photography. I hope it's as good as his first book because that was the best photography book I've read so far!

Then I figured the best way to get easy Fathers Day 'peace and quiet' was to keep HIM happy. So I suggested taking him to Perdiswell Skatepark. All the kids have been claiming is the best skatepark in the country, so Will was very excited about it and it meant I could catch up with my photography course homework which was 'panning'.

Off we set down the M5 but as we left the motorway we noticed a dirtbiking race going on so we decided to head to that first. Brilliant fun! It was the perfect subject for me to get my homework done and great to watch! There was a nasty crash at the end though so I hope that rider ended up ok? Will now wants a dirtbike!!

Back in the car and off to the legendary 'Purdy'. The claim of the best skate park in the country was a typical kids exaggeration! It was a bunch of concrete ramps! Will started off quite cautiously as it was busy with a lot of foul mouthed, pre teens! However he soon found his confidence and started to really enjoy it while Lu and I sunned ourselves on deck chairs. I set him a challenge to learn a trick for £2 and was really proud how he persevered until he finally landed it. His big cheesy grin was great and well worth the money when he then realised he could pull it off every time with ease!

After a couple of hours we packed up and headed off home as we had to go out for a very nice curry at our local restaurant, Zinga's.

A lovely Fathers day with only one thing missing, my dad. Miss you loads Dad. Love you always. RIP. xxx

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