A Dog's Dinner

By G

The Princess and the Frog.................toad!

Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess. Now this princess like to visit her fathers subjects in the cold damp Land of the North.

On one such visit she decided that she would take her retinue to the Dark Evil Woods, although, she had been warned that it was the haunt of hobgoblins and elves and had never to be visited unless she was prepared for horrible adventures.

As the day was bright, they decided to explore these Woods by the lakeside accompanied by that Most Wondrous of Dogs, Ruaridh, King of the North. They had been promenading for a short while when one of her loyal band of retainers approach claiming that a frog had called our her name and asked to be taken to the most beautiful of all the princess.

'Please dear Princess, kiss me that I may turn back into a handsome prince and claim my rightful Kingdom - like it says in all the stories' said the frog.

'Bring him forth and let me place a kiss on his lips in order to fulfil his destiny'
she haughtily replied and he was placed before her lips.

' ahhhhhhhhh It's nothing but a 'orrible wee smelly toad' she screamed as she threw it into the lake.

'that was a close call'

' it was almost as bad a kissing a hairy old grandpa!'

...and they all lived happily every after except the toad which had to try and get out of the lake and was eaten by a pike.

'Nice one' said the pike.

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