Life Well Lived

By RodenSarah

Wonderful, hot June wedding

Ava, our 7 year-old, took this picture of Will and I dancing after one of the best weddings I have ever been to. It outside at a beautiful venue in 100+ Texas weather. It was the marriage of two truly amazing people whose parents are really some of the best people I know. The audience was filled with raw love and joy for the couple. It was one of those days that you remember that it is a privilege to find your soulmate in life. It is a delight to walk in relationship with a God who wants that kind of bliss for you as well. It was such a happy and honoring ceremony. I cried happily pretty much the whole time. When I mentioned that to someone after the ceremony, Ava piped in that she had only ever been to a dog wedding before. She said she was the dog food girl. That certainly lightened the mood!!!!

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