Yawn Champion

A yawn is a silent shout.
G. K. Chesterton

Word Origin & History

c.1300, yenen, yonen, from O.E. ginian, gionian "open the mouthwide, gape," from P.Gmc. *gin- (cf. O.N. gina "to yawn," Du.geeuwen , O.H.G. ginen , Ger. gähnen "to yawn"), from PIE*gh(e)i- (cf. O.C.S. zijajo "to gape," Lith. zioju , Czech zivati "toyawn," Gk. khainein , L. hiare "to yawn, gape," Skt. vijihite "togape, be ajar"). Noun meaning "act of yawning" is recorded from1697. Yawner "something boring" is Amer.Eng. slang firstrecorded 1942 ( yawn in this sense is attested from 1889).
Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper

Even wider

After yawning

The light in her eye

Max, home after a good bill of health at the vets

For the Record.
This day came in dark and dismal, showers, cool temps, HIGH humidity.

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