an old cynic's view

By superhero

Mayhem at the feeder

And all because of this chap
All was normal until around 9am when I noticed the feeder had been moved and not a bird in sight. I investigated and thought maybe a cat had jumped on to it, but no signs
I was standing watching the chaffinches,starlings and goldfinches feeding their young when all of a sudden this Sparrowhawk dived from a height and panic ensued.
I was squealing and Jane was upstairs shouting "my goodness what is that" well its a family show so I have censored what we said
Surprise ,surprise my camera was in hand but I was so taken aback by the scene this and 2 of it flying away was all I got ,if only it had sat on the ladder a metre away Iwould have got a full shot.
Note to self --never go on a safari, I would end up with nothing on camera lol
PS--Its quite good in large

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