9 Today!!

It is Megan's birthday today. At 08:35 9 years ago Megan was born I can't believe it. I remember everything including burning my big bump in the sun the day before she was born. My waters breaking around 11pm and the hospital sending me away after checking me out and saying "ohh nothing will happen well into tomorrow.." well I was in labour and at 6am I was sick and John's mum timed the contractions and they were 2 mins apart and her words "get a move on down to the hospital!!" Shortly after Megan was here and what a strange feeling that was! She is my gorgeous baby girl and always will be

Had a lovely day today, Megan and Katie been up since 6am!! Opened her presents and then took her to Toy"R"Us to spend her birthday money although she only spent half and saves the rest!! All Moshi Monstered out!!!

Happy Birthday Megan love you

Mummy & Daddy

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