
By 12views

#7 I love making statements...

"Say as you think and speak it from your souls.." - William Shakespeare

The seventh thing I've learnt through blipping is that I love trying to capture how I feel through an image. I've especially enjoyed messing around with letters and various physical typography (where my design geek comes out I'm sure). My images might not always be polished, but they pretty much always show how I feel (so today - playful!)

BTW - the bunny is fine :) he is going to live with the rest of my friends (who might make an appearance later in the countdown!)

12views - 12 things I've learnt through blipping....
#1 Get out there...
#2 Blipping is cathartic
#3 Quotation, quotation, quotation
#4 Editing...
#5 Study, read, learn...
#6 Don't be a comment hussy!

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