Another Day

By pcc

'Oh Dear'

Today I heard a very loud bang, and what should I find, but a car crash.
Two young Chinese girls, standing outside the car -luckily not hurt, but rather shaken.
It is a T intersection and she was making a left hand turn into the street, and I believe she forgot to turn the steering wheel, and I think perhaps put her foot on the wrong pedal!
The motor was pushed in and the front wheel was not moveable. So a tow truck was called.
The tree is a little bruised, but lucky she missed the light pole as otherwise she would have been paying for that.
A minor crash but it has devastating effects. That was her transport to Lincoln to attend English classes. And the cost for fixing it will not be cheap.
Have just been preparing a few things like Camera gear, sleeping gear, food and warm clothing, as a group of photographers are heading for the mountains and hoping for some good landscape images.
There is not as much snow around as there would normally be, but I know that we will get good frosts.

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