My Life In Photos.

By vicky1972

Before the Haircut

Hi everyone

Wow id like to say thankyou to everyone who commented on my blip yesturday and also the ones who subscribed to my journal that means so much and thankyou for all the faves aswell.
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Here is Thomas before he had his haircut today if you are on my fb you may see a pic if i get chance to pop it on. Hes still not smiling for me but i think there is a glimps. Yesturday daddy tried to take him but he screamed and cried outside the barbers (ohh he has been before lots of times) so i said i would try today and that the man would put some gel in his hair. He was cool with that and as long as they didnt have the hairdryer on lol, Thomas also hates hand dryers. I hope he gets over it. But anyway i must say his hair looks good.

Thought id go with the black and white again as i do love it, hope this is ok today and i will try and get a better one of him with his new hair, its just a little shorter.

We have had a great day though and olivia send lots of love and thanks for your comments.

We are going to Jimmys Farm tomorroe with thomas class so god only know what photo i will have for you tomorrow lol.

Thanks again
Vicky. xxxxx

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