Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

I love my little thinker!

It goes without saying that I love both of my children. I love them both as much as is it is humanly possible to do. What surprises me is how differently I love them. They are such different totally their own little people.

Henry is highly strung, extremely intelligent and has music in his soul. He's scatty (he managed to lose a shoe and two library books in the fifteen seconds between his bedroom and the hallway this morning); forgets everything you tell him almost instantly, unless it's the lyrics to a song; is completely distractable and lives, for the most part in Henry-world...a place populated by Bakugans and Gormiti with a continuous soundtrack of humming, tapping and silly songs with meaningless words. He's also stubborn and HATES change. I love him because he's completely eccentric, completely original (I never know what's going to come out of his mouth next) and completely himself. He sees no reason to be anything other than him.

Noah is laid-back and super-sunny-natured. Charm itself in a pudgy little package. I suspect things may come more easily to Noah than they do to Henry. Noah knows that a winning smile will open doors and smooth the way. Want something doing? Flutter those eyelashes and flash those pearly-whites and anything can be yours for the taking. Something not going your way? Wear your saddest face and open those soft brown eyes as wide as you can. Gaze up imploringly and suddenly you've got them exactly where you want them.

Noah is a can see his mind working. Show him something once and he's got it. He likes order and is much tidier than Bob or H. He'll follow a task through from beginning to end in exactly the way H won't! He's so adaptable too...which is a novelty after eight years of, 'I'm so sorry my son won't join he's fine, just a bit erm shy / weird / grumpy,' all said as I'm trying to peel H off my leg! Noah will sit on the sidelines for a few minutes then wander off to join in. He is incredibly tactile and loving, distributing hugs and kisses to us all. He hero-worships Henry, who basks in the adulation. I love him because he's a toddler-shaped bundle of love and sunshine with sparkly bits...and he has dimpled elbows...who couldn't love dimpled elbows?

Totally different little souls yet completely united. I hope their differences unite them forever. I certainly couldn't imagine my life without either of them :-)

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