The Life Of Ponty Cyclops

By pontycyclops

The One That Got Away

I've been laying in my belly in the grass today. I wanted to take some insect shots, or some bees in the flight.

It was a bit breezy so that just added to the challenge.

Having got some half decent bee shots, I then discovered this little spider sat in the fuchsia plant in the border. I wanted to try and get something a bit more unusual, so I crawled underneath the fuchsia and pointed the camera heavenwards!

As I was snapping away, a small beetle wandered perilously close to the spiders web, he must have brushed them, as the spider became immediately alert, but it didn't pounce. The beetle probably has no idea how close it came to a horrible death, and the spider will have to wait a bit longer for it's next meal.

I rejected this one, as I wanted a closer crop.

I rejected this one as it wasn't quite in focus.

Chose not to use the Bee Photo's as, although, probably slightly better photos, the spider pics had a story.

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