Hop Barn

By hopbarn

A wild orchid

One of the benefits of an abandoned place is the return of plants that weren't able to cope with the land being 'looked after'. I do love to see wild orchids so this pleased me. Here is another wild orchid. However, I'm very sad that my friend, Aunty Jean, is no longer in a position to look after her property and her family feel no inclination to help her to keep her home how she liked to have it.

Having got more involved over recent times with elderly people I'm very interested in the Dilnot report. I do fervently hope that the points raised are listened to and money can be allocated. But how can we make people care more for others around them that need help? We will all be elderly one day (with any luck) - don't we all wish to be cared for with love, respect and dignity?

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