

Wide awake at 5:30am this morning despite a heavy day travelling yesterday, due in part to the David Attenborough wildlife documentary going on outside all night. The insects and the bird wildlife in the nature reserve yards from our place seem to have access to a volume button that goes up to 11 after 11. At least theses screens stop most of the wee buggers getting in and feasting on us. I'll never complain again about those early morning pigeons back home again.

It was also reading 23 degrees outdoors by then and as we hadn't quite had the energy to work out the air conditioning system it was pretty stifling.

First theme park on the cards today was a place called Walmart. The queues lines weren't too bad but the rides were rubbish. Not going back there if I can help it.

Spent the rest of the afternoon lying around on the beach drinking lots of fluids (in the form of Budweiser mostly) and trying to acclimatise to the weather and the difference in time. Euan had great fun digging down through the sand until he reached the matting underneath (not a 'real' beach then) and watching a raccoon wander by and rake through the rubbish bins trash cans.

We did manage to set the air conditioning today though, but left and forgot it was on full blast. It was a bizzare experience on our return then in which we had to open the doors to let the heat in. That was a new one for us temperate zoned Scottish types.

Planned out Wednesday over Pizza and some hilarious TV in the evening. Not that any of the programmes were hilarious, but the ad breaks have some absolutely belters compared to our more restrained UK equivalents. Some of the medical ads and solicitor ads are downright scary, but the toilet roll that prevents 'breakthrough' is a current favourite. The rest just seem to be either shouty, cheesy in the extreme or downright patronising.

Still struggled to stay awake past 10pm though.

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