Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

"Do you like my hat?"

On this hot summer day I came closer to completing a repair & painting job in my neighborhood, and after dark I collected another batch of jars from the recycle bin at a nearby deli (for pickling food), stopping by to tap on the shop window and see how the kittens are doing (still spunky). It's been an ordinary day, and the few pictures I took would probably seem redundant if I blipped them. This little dog, however, brought to mind a line from what might well have been the very first book I ever read. Go, Dog, Go! by P. D. Eastman was published the when I was three and a half, so it was a new book when my Mom bought it for me. I loved that book intensely, and I think I still have my copy somewhere, all marked by crayons and fixed with tape. Younger relations have enjoyed it as much as I did, and I'll blame the scribbles on them. It was so exciting, the way the dogs all race to a huge tree and have a party up on top of it, and of course at the end, the reply turns from "No, I do not," to something like "Yes, I like your party hat!."

I am glad to have crossed paths with this cute doggy and her owner's hat.

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