today I ...

By BarbiesWorld trapped:

day 4.

Did it ever occur to you after a period on concentrating on something that your brain seems to fade and you find yourself staring for 2 minutes onto one spot without noticing. That spot might be very likely a paragraph which you wanted to read and understand... Try to read again and find yourself again staring for 2 minutes...

Anyway, there are people outside this office who obviously getting a hell done in 2 minutes. I'd reaallllly like to hustle you over to Felicity's journal to see what she is doing in 2 minutes time.
This is just my 2 minutes makeshift (haha, spot the tiny difference), rabbits and horses. Sorry, only a joke, I never draw sketches and I never do rabbits and horses and when I saw Felicity's sketches I thought I should never ever again take a pencil in my hand.
Otherwise, using your hand and eyes and relaxing the brain is a really good method to refocus, just like a 2 minutes shower for your brain. So, go for mangy rabbits and lame horses.

A cozy office evening with more forms until elevenish, having fellow blippers with me, the real one bringing me beer and more ice cream, the virtual ones other joys...
Later there will be the monthly classic sneak at the nearby cinema - luckily they just showed Ben Hur without me, excited what they may show.
Enjoy your evenings!

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