
By blowfish


I didn't notice Girl Two's flowing armpit hair until after the shot. Girl Three is eating something vegan, I guarantee you, as they were at the only table outside our only vegan restaurant. I've decided reaffirmed that I enjoy taking unflattering street portraits of people I do not know. But the situation rarely presents itself. On the way home from our little Bliptrip, I was telling Leah how I need to insert myself better into such situations, not necessarily in regards to people, perhaps, but other urban (silly word) shots like things of trains and traffic and such. Moving things; no, fleeting things, blink-and-you-miss-them things. Things that require a mild bit of patience to capture and get that odd, disturbing, and/or unique perspective. Yes, yes, surely these kinds of scenarios are all around, already presenting themselves glaringly and that I just need to open my eyes, my ears. Well, I am going to open my mouth now (and say ahhhh). This is a serious statement: I would like to have my tonsils removed. This is also serious: my car said it was 112 degrees F today--44.4 C to the rest of the world. "All right, glad to see another Nikon man. We are losing to Canon," he said, plodding off silently on these heinous neo-moccasins. And plastic surgeons driving Vespas beneath ancient facades ("it will make the most charming front for your practice," the commercial agent's voice still echoes in the hand-carved arches). These umbrellas do next to nothing.

best munched large.

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