The Dangers of a Blip Foretold

So the double portrait of the girls, foretold a couple of days ago, continues to be elusive partly due to the different sleeping patterns of the young (they arrived home at 7am this morning), and then after a few hours of sleep , sat slightly ashen faced and recuperated on the sofa. I couldn't bring myself to introduce the full weight of the Nikon D3x on the scene, not then nor when they announced a spot of sunbathing on the roof terrace! So I plan to take it when they are covered and strapped up with their backpacks ready for the off to the station tomorrow!

So up to Gracia (where this pastisserria is located) in the search of full length, loose fitting, free flowing leg coverings that will satisfy the needs of comfort and on-lookers in Egypt next week; DD having advised me there is nothing in my current wardrobe that will cut the mustard, and that my previous preferred desert gear of the shortest of short white tennis shorts will no longer be acceptable. My somewhat desultory search has so far only led me to a table at my favourite terrace where my ritual is to drink a pint of Guinness to keep my world perspective good and straight! Where's Lawrence when you need him!

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