Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths


I seem to have two sorts of days - very very busy ones, and ones where I do nothing but sleep and stare at the telly. This is probably quite normal, since I'm a bipolar being. Today, the last day of my 30s, was one of the busy variety!

First job was the weekly big clean of the rat cage, installation of the boys' new ramp, reinstallation of the tent (which had been washed), and a thorough clean of everything.

Then, determined to get the sweaty parts of the housework done (so I wouldn't have to do them on my birthday the next day) I cleaned the loos, hoovered the downstairs, and shifted a few things about a bit!

After a late lunch I set off to Hampshire for a musical evening in memory of my friend Justin from college, a talented singer and all round lovely man who died last year of meningitis, aged only 38. The evening was organized at his family home - a beautiful setting for an evening comprising mainly singing by friends and colleagues of Justin's from Opera North and also some guests. Polly, his younger daughter, also performed - she's clearly inherited her father's talent.

It was great to catch up with two fabulous friends from college, Camilla, who is also the mother of Justin's two children, and Claire - we'll not leave it so long next time.

The singers pictured are Paul Milosavljevic, Elise Dye, David Owen Lewis and Gavin Bailey, all of whom gave splendid performances. The first half was of more serious operatic arias, and the second had a lighter feel, with songs from musicals, and even a rendition of "Funiculi Funicula" during which we were "encouraged" to dance the conga!!!!

The most poignant moments were when Justin's partner Daniel, who isn't a professional singer, sang on stage "for the first time in 25 years" - a real tribute to Justin - and when a recording of Justin singing Nesun Dorma was played in the fading evening light - a more mature version of the voice I knew so well at college.

Then, it was time to say goodbyes and drive home. My birthday started somewhere on the road between Cirencester and home, and when I got back I started the birthday drinking!

What a way to spend the last evening of my 30s!

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