
By mooman

Another Rainy Day

Hi everyone hope you have all had a good day. todays blip is something a bit different after yesturdays blip i wanted to explain my general negativity regarding my own photos.

First of thank you Joyfull for your comment it made me realize how i do have a negative tone alot of the time. The reason that i can be is due mostly to my inexperiance taking photos. as iv only really had my SLR a few months and feel im still learning the ropes so in my head i always have this great idea as to how to get it into a photo however i never get my end result. as such i get frustrated like id amagine almost everyone whos tried to take a certain photo and cant. comments on blip are so important to me as i know if i got a good shot in the eyes of others or not. #

So if you visit my blip and don't like the shot let me know i greatly appreciate any constructive criticisms, or if you think i could do the shot better a different way let me know.

Anyway enough about that back to todays Blip. I caught a break in the rain and managed to run out the site to take a shot of this flower that has just started to flower, hope you all enjoy

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