Unstructured Visions

By unstructvisions

And the Eyes Have It

So, this Blip thing is really hard for me when I am at work. My days don't line up with the norm, so I struggle to find the time to find a good picture taking moment. As strange as it may seem, there isn't a whole lot of cool and exciting things that happen in or around an ambulance (or as we kids call them, a box *wink*) Then, I have to find the time to upload them before the day runs out! Yikes.

So, as I got home from work this morning, I still hadn't found what I thought was a Blip worthy picture. I basically just shrugged my shoulders and thought, "Well, perhaps I will get lucky on a break at work tonight," when two of my foster animals decided to stay still long enough for the camera on my phone to take some good pics.

After sorting through them, I couldn't figure out which to post here. I finally decided on Moe Moe. He is the sweetest cat I have ever met, who actually loves getting belly rubs! He purrs non-stop and it is so loud it sounds like a motor, which is where he got his name.

Check out the runners-up on my flickr page here!


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