
It was a beautiful day today and we got loads done. The first trip was off out to Smoo Cave. Roz even braved it this year. After that it was back to the house for lunch (via the shop to pick up some fresh bread).

After lunch we headed out to Balnakeil craft village for coffee and chocolate, then it was off for a walk along Balnakeil Bay to Faraid Head.

The photo is looking over the second beach at Balnakeil, which is probably my favourite beach in the world. This is not far off as busy as I've ever seen it. Most visitors to Durness don't seem to get much further than Sango mor or the first beach at Balnakeil.

I was going to choose another shot but thought it might be a wee bit too racy for blip. The only person on the second beach was a white haired chap in his fifties or early sixties doing a combination of Tai Chi and skinny dipping. If you look really closely in the big version of this image you can just about see him in th emiddle of the shot in amongst the breakers.

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