The Gameshow with Boogaloo Stu

Yesterday's Photoshoot went really well!
Paul Morrell pictured in Max's photo and I have made a great record together via the internet and met for the first time yesterday!
We went out for dinner with Paul, his mate Kevin and other friends in China Town and then on to Shinky Shonky!
QX magazine came down to review the night and it was a good one! The audience were fantastic, 2 of my fans Marcus and Katie who have seen me in Australia several times came out to dinner and on to the club to see my show, they are so lovely and it was great getting to know them better, the lovely Lee and Paul also came out again and of course my long suffering PA Stew and Max!!!
Steve Erskine bought me a bottle of bubbly, I was so touched!
Here is Boogaloo Stu explaining the 3rd round rules of Penny Up the Crack to contestants Lincoln and Essex, Lincoln won....

The game
Well! You carry a coin between clenched buttocks (whilst clothed of course - in case you were wondering) and mince across the stage (impossible not to mince) where you then deposit it into an empty pint glass on the floor, quite an art! You then progress to a pickled onion and then a raw egg... points are awarded and the winner is the one who gets most or all of the objects in or nearly in the glass!
Surprisingly amusing when you've had a few ales ;-)

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