This and that...

By Spottycups

What's the story... Tobermory...

Today we did a very whistle stop tour to Tobermory (or Balamory if you're a CBeebies fan lol). We managed, somehow (we're not morning people), to get up at 5 - in the car by 6.15 and waiting for the ferry in Oban by 9.30 - not bad going for us really! Fun ferry journey (sunny, dry and warm - a first for me on a CalMac ferry!!), bus trip round to Tobermory, wander round the harbour and lovely lunch outside in the sun. Then reverse journey back again - I do love these silly little adventures we have :)

For any keen Balamory fans - you can just about spot Josie Jump's house at the top of the pic - it's a paler yellow now than it was on TV. Edie McCredie's house is now a chocolate shop and we failed to find any others!

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