Last Orders

Finally, the demolition of the old Scottish and Newcastle Brewery in Fountainbridge, Edinburgh is under way.
The land is under planning to be developed and become home to waterside cafés , hotels and housing, with access to the Union canal which runs past it.

The demolition leaves just one brewery left, The Caledonian Brewery, out of a one time total of 30 in the city.
It was possible, and probably still is, but to a lesser extent, to know which way the wind was blowing by the smell of fermenting hops wafting over the roof tops.

Today had been earmarked for a picnic at Biggar, but with his Lordship's and my gas at a low peep, so to speak, this was abandoned.

His Lordship having found that three sessions a week at the gym and a day in the hills on a meagre diet per day of a banana, an apple an orange with a meal of salad in the evening, doesn't provide enough energy for anything else.

And so I was free to engage in a wander with my bike along by the canal and then through erstwhile home territory where I met a neighbour who invited me in to see his etchings new I-pad, and his new canary.
I caught up with news of everyone, which I have missed for nearly a year now.
There's nothing like a bit of gossip to cheer you up.

The morning passed agreeably and with the sun gone and doubtful clouds appearing, I will be happy to watch the boys in lycra show me how to get up hills in France.
The Tour de France beckons on ITV4.

Edit:- Oh no! I seem to have missed it. What a blow-I'll have no excuse not to read my bookgroup book.

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