air and kilometers

By brittanielynn

banana bread bonanza!

Here is Stephen, baker of the year!

Since my bananas went super over ripe seemingly overnight, I decided to be ecofriendly and make banana bread out of them instead of just trashing them. Stephen was originally not completely ready to board the banana boat, so to speak, but I eventually [lovingly] coerced him.

See, he's not very big on being messy; sticky hands or slimy goo aren't exactly his cup of tea. So, I decided to implement some serious character development and give him the major tasks of the project, even the mashing of the bananas. He did a great job! With very minimal mess! It wasn't until I was pouring the flour that it got exciting, as you can see!

I'm proud of his willingness to take one for the team to step put of our comfort zone to bake something. It was a fun-flour-filled time and I'm sure the payoff will be sweet!

Don't you just adore his curly hair?

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