Country walk of horror!!!!!!

CT aka Cousin Thea took us on a walk through 8ft bracken with hidden holes and barbed wire to a disused Victorian swimming pool where I took this photo and Zebedee was stung by nettles, then we ventured into the woods where CT and CZ (Cousin Zebedee) were both stung by wasps!!!!!!!

I was very cross with Max who just took photos of Zebedee as he was screaming in agony, I threw Zebedee's hoody over the camera lens, he is unrepentant....
Max's photo....

Back home Calpol, anti histamines, chocolate and jungle spray have been administered, french bread sandwiches are being consumed and all is right with the world!

Margot the dog seemed to enjoy it all!

It was lovely to wake up to the sound of sheep baaing and horses clip clopping!

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