Tim's Wizard Adventures

By timwelch

Chris and Lucy

Chris and Lucy live in Korea and teach English to Korean students.

They decided a few years back to start saving up for a world tour. On there Canadian leg of the trip they had put Angie and I on the list to visit. They arrived a week ago and it was a good vibe right from the start.

We shared some really good experiences. Like spending a couple of days with my parents at a cottage. Canoeing to Snake Island to swim and a little soccer at night before the fire.

Chris actually got me started on Blipfoto! So to that I must say thank you Chris :)

Angie and I felt so blessed that Chris and Lucy came to visit us and that we got to spend so much wonderful time together.

I am sad that there are gone but I am stoked that I had the pleasure of being around such beautiful souls.

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