Learning day by day

By EmmaF


Isn't it nice when your children become friends with the children of your close friends. This is Carys and her friend (and my Goddaughter) O. O is the daughter of my oldest friend Gillian. Sadly the people I consider my oldest/closest friends live in Brussels (in this case), in Melbourne, Aus., Swansea and Leeds, many many miles away. But I am always amazed how we as adults can go months without seeing or speaking properly to each other only to pick up where we left off. What amazes me more is that the kids do exactly the same.

Carys and O are only seven weeks different in age and are great friends. They talk about each other all the time in between visits. Our boys are six months apart but we hope they too will grow up to be friends. Visits are going to get more difficult now the girls are school age but I am sure that we will manage to work it out. We have had a lovely couple of days. The house is very quite now they have gone.

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