An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Homeward Bound....

Back blipped 19.07.11

Got up at 5am aiming to leave at 6am. In the end we finally pulled away from the lovely holiday house that had been ours for the last 2 weeks, at 6.40am.

This is the furthest south we have ever been in France and every year I worry that we'll never make it all the way back up to Zeebrugge in time to catch the ferry.

Passed a few tailbacks going in the opposite direction and hoped we wouldn't encounter the same problem on our side of the road. Thankfully we didn't and had a good, clear run, even round Paris.

I had hoped to get a blip of the Eiffel Tour in the distance but it was such a miserable, rainy day that it just wasn't possible. Took this shot of Paris instead. Thought it was a good contrast to the rolling fields and sunflowers. Another side to France entirely.

Once on the ferry, I groaned when the Captain announced it would be a moderate crossing. I'm usually not too bad on the ferry but a couple of years ago we had a particularly rough crossing and I.....well, I'm sure you can guess what state I was in so let's not go there!

Went to have dinner early with the thought that if I was gonna chuck up I might has well have my dinner since I'd paid for it in advance! Also a quick trip to the Ferry shop to spend the last of the Euros.

Thankfully the ship didn't start to roll until just after I climbed into my cabin bed and by that point it felt a little like being rocked to sleep so I was out like a light in seconds.

All together now....What shall we do with the drunken sailor.... :))))

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