
By blowfish



Covering some shifts this week and I am quite tired. Leah and I delved into the impulse buys a bit deeper tonight. Barnes and Noble, which I usually try to avoid, had an offer I couldn't refuse (as Marlon says): 50% off all films in the Criterion Collection. Still a pretty penny, to be sure, but an obscenely affordable deal for their products; kind of a once-in-a-lifetime deal, in some ways. Okay, a wee bit hyperbolic but you know. Anyways, finally picked up the reprint of Breathless by Godard and something I'd never heard of: Science is Fiction: 23 Films by Jean Painlevé, super old-timey French language nature film shorts, mostly on aquatic subject matter. Ah, picked up as well, Season One of HBO's two-season sleeper, Carnivale; we have been ravenously making our way through, maybe not as voraciously as with Six Feet Under (the best drama ever made, a hands down fact, I'm sorry), but with an addict's rapt attentiveness, nonetheless. See, Leah and I don't have a television (we watch aforementioned discs on the computers), so we tend to get wrapped up in a DVD television series or groups of films or whatever. I don't know why I am typing so much about this. Who, really, gives two flying fucks? Honestly.

So, much more importantly, I would like to acknowledge our friend Liz and her 1000th Blip. I am certainly flattered and honored to be a subject in such a momentous occasion (as I'm sure Leah is as well, in all accounts). In short, if it wasn't for occhi verdi, I never would have found Blip. Thus, perhaps most of you are subscribers to her journal already and if not I highly suggest that you become one. Quite simply: her work exudes clarity, in all things of a technical and objective nature.

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