Capital adventures

By marchmont

Lady F

I was priviliged to be invited to The Dower House for coffee this morning. One always feels humbled in the presence of such real aristocracy (She has a'normal' name but she will always be Lady Findhorn to me.) It was also a pleasure to meet again Lord F, who'd been rained off his planned day out.

Over coffee and biscuits (LF 0, me 2, but the 2nd one was forced on me for blipping purposes) the craic was wide ranging - roof repairs, neighbours, kids, men, offspring, men, marriage, men, cycling, social events, men, doctors, men, partners - new and old, friends, babies, grandchildren.

As Lady F has said it is freezing today and I felt distinctly underdressed in a short sleeve shirt and light wrap as I 'tripped' to and fro over the Meadows. 'Walk quickly' is the remedy.

Now back on the south side I'm sorting out paperwork, filing the bills and other crap important documentation you accumulate. Meanwhile, in the background, the pelaton is doing its stuff.

I'm waiting for EDF to call. Looks like I'll be back in their fold after British Gas has experienced a problem switching my gas supply.

Then to-night meal out number 5 in 8 days, the new Martin Wishart place, 'The Honours'. (I've still to get to the 'old' Martin Wishart place.) This eating, and drinking, has to stop as a jacket I bought in April is a bit nippit - not a good sign.

Well, the race is hotting up, I'd better get back to it. Come on France!

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