Memories and musings...

By StephenGradwick

A tangled snail...

On a soaking wet, windy and generally disastrous day for going out to photograph anything, I headed out to Moore Nature Reserve in Cheshire. After sitting in the car for half an hour thinking and hoping that the rain might eventually stop, decided to brave it anyway. Then to my delight (and yes, I realize snails might not be to everyone's delight) chanced upon a veritable plethora of snails of all shapes, sizes and colours alongside one of the tracks leading out to Birchwood Pool .

This little fellow particularly appealed to me as he (perhaps she) was entwined around the fencing.

I am very new to digital photography and intensely self-critical, so finding shots I feel happy with and confident enough to post means you're not likely to get a Blip every day...

This is my first ever Blipfoto entry so please be kind!

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