A Dog's Dinner

By G

A Dog and His Bear

...or is it A Bear and His Dog?

Ruaridh The Wonder Dog has taken to sneaking up stairs and cuddling up to my old teddy bear. When I say 'old' I mean it's his sixtieth birthday in a few weeks, which as you know, is old for a bear. He's been rediscovered by Bella and now lives on her mum's old bed but The Prince of Pups has declared it his own.

Oh dear it'll end in tears.

Tonight we've been spinning some discs but unfortunatly Ruaridh couldn't decided which he hated more, Patsy Cline or Ravi Shankar but in the end it was Jimmy Sommerville that did it. The first few lines of Don't Leave Me This Way and he was off!

A dog of no taste

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