
Went out boating today, first out with the boy on the grandly named rowboat, the Lady Destiny, then on the seal trip where I captured his view of the magnificent Cuillins on Skye (and herself enjoying it).

Yet another stunning day. Also went crab fishing off the pier, but the boy wasn't too happy with the results (bit scared).

When we were out in the garden, the boy and I got caught by the Google Streetview car as it went by. Hopefully we might feature on Google Earth at sometime in the future. You can check out the Google Car on Instagram

Managed a night out, herself and I, thanks to Granny and Grandpa looking after the horrors. Good seafood, wine and a session in the back bar. Met a couple from Belfast who we had met earlier out rowing, and he was bashing away on the bohran. Pub session on Instagram

Also met H who was driving the Google car and staying the night at the Hotel. Interesting to hear how it all works.

Good craic, all told.

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