air and kilometers

By brittanielynn

family function

Today was a bit of a roller coaster as far as events go. I slept in as much as my body would let me, then got a message from Stephen and he came over soon after that. Good morning! We went to pathmark and picked up some kitty supplies and salad materials and went home and put those to use.

Then Stephen informed me that he needed to read two chapters and take two quizzes for his online class. What a damper to put on a Saturday! I had work to do also, but today screamed weekend too much to me, so I just browsed wedding blogs for like five hours instead. I love how creative people are, and it gave me plenty more ideas for what we can do with ours.

I was bummed because this is my last Saturday before I go to camp and we didn't even have time together. Plus there was this lame family function we had to go to to top it all off.

Stephen's unofficial aunt Karen's fiftieth birthday. At first it seemed like a horribly awkward addition to our day because they crammed like seventy people into a small house, but Stephen's schoolwork kept us from going until a later hour when the majority of people had gone. Because of this, we got to have a really great, more intimate time with the family, discussing everything from marriage, to church, to this great quilt you see in the picture.

This quilt was one of two made for aunt karen and uncle jay's parents on their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Every swatch (there were about twenty five) represents a different family member or friend and their artistic rendering of the memories they shared together with uncle jay's parents. There were beach trips, wedding cakes they had made, wallpaper jobs they had assisted. This swatch was the one that Aunt Karen and Uncle Jay made, and the memories are strewn all over them. The quilt represented such a beautiful legacy and how these two people had touched so many lives in such a tangible way.

The second quilt represented twenty five if their thirty six grandchildren. Insane. So many lives were impacted and touched and started because of this lovely, thriving couple.

Stephen and I are ending our day looking for a potential wedding recessional song. What a great closer to a seemingly dreary day. I love thinking about our future as husband and wife. Hopefully we'll be able to lead a life that merits a patchwork quilt too.

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