"to notice"

By mnaylor

Not to be Present

I was not looking for a large group of empty chairs but when I walked by these on the Seattle University campus they raised the thought that the Norwegian youth who were murdered Friday will never fill out the promise their young lives have already shown. I know everyone in the world mourns their loss.

But in the balance that is part of life, we helped set up for an annual picnic to celebrate St James the patron of the Seattle Cathedral parish, and the inspiration for all pilgrims in the world who through the ages have walked for many miles to and congregated in Santiago de Compestolo, Spain to search for and renew their faith.

And we watched some of the 160 teams representing women who have died from Ovarian cancer as they came through the finish line. Teams had photos of their woman, and it was nothing but inspiring. They raised well over $500,000!

Life does gives us balance in grim tragic times - thank heavens.

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