wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg


One of my favourite things on this camp was letting kids have a go with my camera. It didn't take long for them to ask to have a go. I'm careful with my camera, but try not to be precious beyond sanity, and so with the caution to be careful, a few brief instructions on zooming, and settings set to 'auto' I handed it over to the first of many. At first it was the most confident kids who asked, but by the end even some of the quieter ones were having a go. They were great with it - negotiating handover times, always carrying it carefully, generally sharing well. I saw one slight argument, but that wasn't hard to sort. They were determined to fill the 8gb memory card, and they got close - I've just deleted close to 600 shots of blurry feet, eyeballs, fingers, and still-motion nose picking.

Here's the best of their shots I can use. There's a few crackers, some brilliant action shots and just a couple of fantastic angles. But most have kids in them so I can't use those ones. This one should be anonymous enough to be alright though, and I do like the action feel of it.

The drive home was uneventful again. I realised again how much I enjoy driving semi-long distances by myself, 4 hours pottering along through scenic Tasmania. I say pottering, much of it zoomed past at 110km/h, but it was still pleasant. :)

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