
After an extremely dull day I forced myself up off the armchair this evening into the grey light in an attempt to blip something non flower related. That worked well then didn't it. Honest to goodness its so grey out there, everything looks flat and lifeless. I am not sure if this bee was snoozing or had found its final resting place. It certainly wasn't for moving

I took the troublesome lurcher with me on the walk and he was unusually docile. Half way round the wood, however he saw some rabbits and got a tad flighty. So when my shoe lace came undone, I had the usual performance of trying to hold on to puffing dog, camera and do up said lace.

As I stood back up, lace now tied, I had a comedy moment with a fox which darted out from the trees, caught sight of me and darted straight back in. Luckily Oscar was still looking for the rabbits in the other direction. However, when we moved on he could smell the fox and became quite antsy. He then insisted on being almost dragged whining for the rest of the walk.....not easy, he weighs about 36 kg!

Glad that's Monday nearly over :)

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