
By Ilaria

Soft, pink Rose.....

Well....afraid this shot had to be taken near home as I was a bit daft today!!! Lol!! I had a great morning chatting to my Sister-in-law as we watched my lovely brother cutting my grass and weeding!!!! SO therapeutic!!!!!!!!!

Went out for lunch, and stupidly had a cider!! Sometimes I can be pretty daft!! I'm not allowed certain medication because my liver is still so knocked off!! So alcohol is a no no!!!!!!! But did I think of that!!! OOPS!!!

After this...I reckoned I dare not risk getting in the car!! I rarely drink, and the cider will likely be hours in my system!! Blip taken within a short walk/stagger from my home!!!! Hilary....try...TRY...and use that brain!!!! Lol!!!

But that pear cider was VERY nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a great evening folks.....lovely, hot and sunny here!! :-)))))

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