Kids Day at the Sugar Camp

Every year, Louis has a kids day. Friends come over with their kids to spend an afternoon. They help with the sap, Louis give them some basic instructions, but let's face it, they come for the taffy!

I woke up early this morning to find this outside. It could have been better for the kids day but at least it wasn't raining. Last year, there was practically no snow on the ground and this year there is still 3-4 feet! The snow being so wet, Moose had a bit of a problem following. Then I went to get my mother who came over for a wonderful sugary breakfast.

Later in the afternoon, it snowed again very heavy, the biggest snowflakes you can imagine for a short time.

Here you can find more pictures of the day.
Here you'll find pictures of the kids.

Interesting sidenote:
This little girl was also there. What's particular is her brief life story: she was born 3 weeks ago, 28 hours later she experienced symptoms of a stroke that she had had in the womb just before delivery. She was immediately transported by plane to Québec City where the front gear of the plane refuse to open and they had to land on a big balloon! She's fine now thank you very much.

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