Getting There

It's not rocket science getting to grips with the Galaxy phone, but it sure ain't as easy to use as the I-phone whatever the Golden Boy says; but to the stars and beyond is my goal and I aim to get there eventually.

As predicted,the rains came back today, along with linguistically challenged tourists and a gridlock of cars with travellers avoiding the rain and the buses.

After a mild altercation with his Lordship on domestic issues, I elected to forego the offer of a lift to a meeting on the other side of town and took two buses there instead.
This produced a noticeable rise in my blood pressure: both the altercation and the bus journey.

Getting from one side of Edinburgh to the other in the rain, on a bus and with tourists a-plenty is fraught with angst.
It's not that I don't have sympathy with non English speakers or even mislaid visitors, but it does make the journey oh so slow when they have to have long drawn out, often unintelligible, communication with the driver, allowing another bunch of people arriving at the stop, who would have been in time to get the next bus, on to my one, slowing the journey even more.

However, the good news was that I did make my appointment on time, and got a lift home from a friend with a car. Bless you Magpie !

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